Alkymist (DK)

• Label : Indisciplinarian
• Home Town: Copenhagen
The music on ALKYMIST’s self titled debut album can be defined as progressive doom-metal – a sort of “art-metal” – which shares a common kinship with classical music and 70’s progressive rock.
On May 1st. 2020 ALKYMIST released their sophmore album ‘Sanctuary’ was released. An album that embraces all the massive characteristics of doom metal alongside the adventurous spirit of classical music and 70’s progressive rock inhabited in the band’s distinct musicalamalgam. ALKYMISTs musical approach is free from trivialities and limitations, resulting in amodern interpretation of doom metal with intensive layers of instrumentation, melodiccompositional progression and a captivating lyrical universe.
ALKYMIST do not submit to conventions of genre or rules of style… on the contrary they are their own masters, which on the album is demonstrated with a complex sound, noticeable virtuosity and superior compositional overview. It’s crushingly heavy but also melodic and catchy, equally full of dynamic, pauses, texture and sonic experimentation. At the same time this creates a strange and beautiful, but also a terrifying expression.
ALKYMIST lets the music generate a space for interpretation, in which the listener is able to form own images, moods and conceptions. You are invited on a journey through a world of paradoxes and primordial forces, in a complex, intense and lyrical soundscape.