Tears of Fire (IR/DE)

• Oriental Funeral Doom
• Label : Grazil Records
• Territory : EU
• Booking : jens@audiblemusic.dk
• Home Town : Berlin
Would you die for music – literally?
Tears Of Fire founder Magus Faustoos Crowley had to flee from his homeland Iran in the late 1990s, because his music was viewed as subversive to the state and Magus – just like numerous colleagues from Iran – was even arrested for this.
TEARS OF FIRE describe their music as Funeral Doom with the influence of old Iranian music. It’s a mix of oriental music, funeral doom and black metal.
These influences of oriental music give the band its ultimate style, independence and a transcendence, which in its mantra-like presentation pulls the audience more and more under its spell. There is no escape. The singing, mainly performed in Fârsi, between growling and ‘crazy sounding screams’ creates an atmosphere that sounds like hell, but means liberation.
TEARS OF FOIRE strive to play for even the dead, as their music is not entertaining or artistic but a tribute to the unliving.
Book them for an extreme funeral show and say goodbye to your loved ones with the sounds of Tears of Fire